Pizza with truffles

Pizza with truffles


1 truffle
a pinch of salt
a pinch of sugar
extra virgin olive oil
125 grams of flour 00
125 grams of American flour
10 grams of yeast
250 ml of hot water
100 grams of mozzarella
ham, bacon, ham taste

Put water in the bowl, add salt, sugar and yeast. Stir with a spoon until it dissolves all. Add the oil. Then pour the flour gradually, stirring by hand, until you get a soft dough, elastic and not sticky hand or basin walls. Gather dough into ball-shaped and grease with very little oil, then cover the basin with a clean towel and let it soared to warm place for one hour, or until you see doubled or even tripled in volume. If it is winter and it is cold in the house, covered with a blanket basin. Dough will rise very well. When it's fully grown, it is full of bubbles. Divide into several pieces, depending on how big you taville. In my case, it was divided into two bucati.Fiecare longer Knead dough piece is a little on the countertop with flour and put it and the ball-shaped. Now start shaping the dough. You can opt for classic paddle stretching, but you should know that a real pizza does not extend to paddle, but only with hands, as do pizzaioli. A well-worked dough will stretch just perfect hands.
So if you want a more authentic experience of making pizza, I invite you to play the pizzaiolo. It seems hard, but with a little practice it's not even something unachievable.
Start by flatten the ball of dough, giving it a round shape, then continually pressured margins, spinning harp infainat countertop. In this way, expand the dough and throw it aria.Apoi take a hand in the other. And be wider than she could lose the excess flour
Follow finalization of form. The dough rises on fists and begin to turn it fairly quickly, thus expanding trang edges and surface. Over countertop put grated cheese. It uses fat mozzarella that melts like cheese, or cheese. Do not put mozzarella fresca that will leave very liquid and will soften the dough. If you want to use mozzarella fresca, you will eventually end, when countertop and other ingredients are already baked pizza in the oven and leave only 1-2 minutes to melt and mozzarella.Apoi as ham, bacon, and sliced ​​truffles.
Pizza I baked it in a special form of pizza, with holes that help run faster warm air and rapid formation of crust. If you do not have such a form, use a thin metal tray, that will be the fastest heat to the dough.
I placed the tray in hot oven at 220 degrees Celsius, in the middle, the bottom classic oven tray (which she was already hot). If you kiln refractory stone, Estes better, place on grill stone oven pizza Heat oven and place directly on hot stone. It will bake better and faster. In the absence of stone, set the hot pan.
Let baked pizza until the edges are browned already. If you want to put fresh mozzarella May (as I wanted and I), remove the pizza, place over a few slices of mozzarella and baked and still give 1-2 minutes. The total baking time ranges from 15-20 minutes depending on the oven. Always focused after the appearance of dough and ingredients.
Enjoy your meal!

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